*For more detail and science on the “mask issue” see: https://www.healthchoicevt.com/mandatory-masks/.
Attention Mad River Valley Vermont Residents
Emergency Waitsfield Selectboard Meeting (((tonight 20 July 2020 at 6:30 pm))) including “reconsideration” of mandatory facial coverings for all, indoors and outdoors – including at swim holes! Four months into the pandemic. Months after the curve has been flattened. Which was our original goal.
- See most recent Vermont data here: https://www.healthvermont.gov/sites/default/files/documents/pdf/DataTeam_WeeklySummary_7.17.20.pdf)
- See most recent US data here: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm
- See the June 2020 Analysis from Sweden on Mortality of COVID-19 by Anders Ledberg(Department of Public Health Sciences, Stockholm University) https://www.healthchoicevt.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Ledberg2020_Mortality-of-the-COVID-19-outbreak-in-Sweden-in-relation-to-previous-severe-disease-outbreaks.pdf
- See assessment study of 175 countries worldwide and their precautionary actions against COVID-19 https://www.healthchoicevt.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Alshammari2020-_-175-countries.pdf (*note that masks are not even mentioned).
Attached is the mandate that was voted down on 13 July 2020 but will be re-voted (sound familiar? If anyone remembers the water vote…), plus a link to tonight’s agenda* with zoom call-in instructions. *Note the board has sought legal advice to support a certain position. Although residents are technically the only ones with rights to speak, hundreds of comments from outside of Waitsfield were solicited by those pushing the mask mandate, in support of a mandate. Waitsfield Selectboard members have privately reported that they are exhausted and in shock after being ruthlessly brow-beaten by angry persons who wish to force others to put something (a facial covering) on their body.
Even if you choose to wear a mask, a mandate is dangerous precedent and a very slippery slope. Public health measures should be voluntary. But we are living in interesting times. Although each person should take measures to stay healthy, mandates go too far and ignore that each person is different. Masks restrict respiration and create a physiological cascade based on each person’s condition/stress response at the time.
Full details for tonights meeting: http://www.waitsfieldvt.us/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/SBMeeting-Packet-07-20-20-Special-Meeting.pdf
See below the mandate that was voted down last week. Note the typo which could be a simple mistake, but leads us to wonder: Were members of the public deprived of their rights to voice concerns over something that impacts each person’s body?
Other notable facts for citizens:
1) On 23 March 2020, the Waitsfield SelectBoard voted a Town State of Emergency declaration, basically handing power over to the town health officer.
2) On 6 April 2020, the Waitsfield town administrator prepared a memo stating that “there is no direct benefit with an emergency declaration” except for the “creation of formal delegations of authority.” In the memo he also notes that, “The State is relying on ‘voluntary compliance’ to the extent possible. The compliance checks performed recently by law enforcement at lodging establishments is a notable potential shift to more direct enforcement, however.”
– Also on 6 April 2020, the Vermont League of Cities and Towns also provided “guidance” (note the towns pay dues to them and in turn get legal advice, which we are told is, “attorney client-privileged”…