Vaccine products are pharmaceutical products and should be treated with the same caution as all others.
Under Vermont law, a health care practitioner administering vaccinations shall report to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, in consultation with the patient, or if a minor, the patient’s parent or guardian, all significant adverse events that occur after vaccination of adults and children, even if the practitioner is unsure whether a vaccine caused the adverse event. View all reported vaccine reactions from Vermont, here.
“The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is an early warning system that helps CDC and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) monitor problems following vaccination. VAERS relies on receiving reports from healthcare providers in the event that there are any health problems occur after vaccination. Healthcare providers are required to report to VAERS. Consumers can report too.” (Source:
The State of Vermont currently does not collect any data on vaccine consumer injuries, but even before COVID, Vermont’s vaccine consumers have reported horrendous vaccine reactions and heart-wrenching stories of being injured and ignored.
The CDC commissioned a study in 2011 that revealed that fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are ever reported. This is wrong.
(Watch the videos at: “Vermont’s Former Vaccine Consumers Say: “I wasn’t properly warned…”)
VAERS fact sheet, Oct 29, 2021H323 is a good bill, a bill that if passed would require the Vermont Health Department to provide an Annual Report to the State Legislature, summarizing vaccine reactions experienced by Vermonters.
H323 would bring much needed visibility and accountability to an otherwise liability-free public health policy. Perhaps if people knew about all the injuries, the mandates would be STOPPED. At the very least, those promoting the products should be held responsible.
Take Action Today: Write a Letter to the Vermont Legislature in Support of H323. If you have a personal vaccine injury story, please include it in your letter. Click here for an easy letter that you can edit before sending. Thank you for getting involved and taking action today!
One example of VAERS data by lot number (Covid vaccines):
Reports for Janssen (J&J) Vaccine Lot # 1805022
(data through 16 April 2021)
863 reactions reported (this lot number only – lot # 1805022)
15 deaths reported (this lot number only – lot # 1805022)
57 reports considered “serious” (lot # 1805022)
7 cases of paralysis / flaccid paralysis reports (all Janssen lots)
Vaccine injuries are real, and “post-COVID” vaccine injuries can no longer be considered as “rare.” There is absolutely no doubt that COVID-19 vaccine mandates are hurting people. This is wrong.
Listen also to shocking revelations made by advisors at the FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting, on 9/17/2021:
Prior to COVID, vaccine injury was already a problem.
For years, we have been advocating for choice, and for recognition of vaccine injuries. THIS YEAR, Please help us PASS H323.
Once a vaccine is recommended for children, the vaccine manufacturers and doctors recommending, enjoy a “no liability” arrangement. If you or your baby is hurt, a petition may be filed with respect to injuries, disabilities, illnesses, conditions, and deaths resulting from vaccines described in the Vaccine Injury Table (the Table) set forth at 42 CFR 100.3. This Table lists for each covered childhood vaccine the conditions that may lead to compensation and, for each condition, the time period for occurrence of the first symptom or manifestation of onset or of significant aggravation after vaccine administration. Compensation may also be awarded for conditions not listed in the Table and for conditions that are manifested outside the time periods specified in the Table, but only if the petitioner shows that the condition was caused by one of the listed vaccines.
At this link you will find the Federal Register, which lists the January 2019 petitions filed and on the list is …. another poor soul from Vermont (#74).
“VAERS” is short for “Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System” and is a passive database where consumers can report reactions to these pharmaceutical products. VAERS stands separately from the system that FDA uses to routinely collect – and act upon – drug adverse reports and is supposed to “co-administered” by FDA. For more information or to submit a report, you may visit: or .
Parents also report denial by pediatricians and refusal by doctors and nurses to report vaccine injuries to VAERS after their children have been sickened. By federal and state law, healthcare providers are supposed to report, but there is no mechanism to file a complaint if they refuse to report. The consumers can report themselves to VAERS, but the reports are never investigated. This seems like irresponsible policy.
The State vaccine programs are heavily funded and heavily promoted. The State needs to be looking not only at their perceived successes (“high rates”) but also unintended consumer injuries – these are pharmaceutical products.
Vermont leaders need to take vaccine injury seriously! Pass H323!!
It has been estimated that fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are ever reported.
Vaccine products are pharmaceutical products and should be treated with the same caution as all others.
The Dept. of Health should prepare an annual report to the legislature all of the data on adverse reactions experienced by Vermonters after vaccination. H323 is a simple bill that would take no time to pass, and no money to implement.
Running a VAERS report takes all of like 2.5 minutes (you can run one yourself, here.)
As a society, we need to know how many people who get vaccinated are getting sick, and how many go on to chronic disease, permanent injury or death.
It is very important that all serious health problems, which develop after vaccination, be reported to VAERS. You should make a vaccine adverse event report to VAERS if you or your child has regressed physically, mentally or emotionally after vaccination or has experienced acute symptoms within hours, days or weeks of vaccination. (From: National Vaccine Information Center).
<Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare Report on Vaccine Adverse Reactions (click here to read)File a vaccine reaction report by clicking here.
Please support annual reporting of vaccine adverse events to the Vermont legislature.