Vermont’s Merck MMR-II Product Uptake Has Never Been Higher

We are now headed into the fourth “eradication campaign” since 1967.

RE-REMERGENCES OF MEASLES have been seen before, and have been predicted by experts as an unfortunate but direct consequence of the vaccine policy itself. For example:

(slides from “Vaccinations, Deep Dive Part 2“)

2019 Update: Measles in Brazil and Madagascar

people are being told that thousand are dying. Is it true?

Did you Know?

In the US there have been 3 deaths attributed to measles over almost 20 years (since 2000).
– One death in a 75 year old male .
– One death in a 13 year old immuno-suppressed male who had received a bone marrow transplant 3 months prior.
– One death in an immuno-suppressed woman with multiple co-morbidities.
Whether any of these deaths was caused by a vaccine strain is unknown, but since vaccine strain measles can be virulent in an immuno-suppressed host, it is possible.

^SOURCE:Meryl Nass, MD in  BMJ 2019; 364:1312 (link to publication)

The last time the CDC confirmed an American died from the measles is in 2003; This was the 13 year old transplant patient on immunosuppressive drugs. No other case of measles could be found in the area, so how it was transmitted is a mystery. CDC did not report if it was a wild strain or the vaccine strain. That same year, an elderly man who had traveled to the US from the middle east with the illness, passed away from the infection two weeks later. From the CDC MMWR:
“In 2003, two measles-related deaths were reported. The first was attributed to measles encephalitis in a child aged 13 years who had chronic granulomatous disease, received a bone marrow transplant in October 2002, and died in January 2003. Measles was confirmed by a positive serologic test for measles IgM and isolation of measles virus from a brain biopsy. Despite an intensive search, no additional cases were detected in the surrounding area. The second measles-related death was in an international traveler aged 75 years infected in Israel who had measles pneumonitis and encephalopathy. Measles was confirmed by reverse transciptase-polymerase chain reaction from nasopharyngeal swab and urine.”

A third case that is discussed was reported by the Washington State Health Department. They claimed that a vaccinated woman died of measles in 2015. This death was NOT confirmed by the CDC. The woman was reportedly suffering from several health conditions, and passed, showing no signs of measles. A month after her death, while the Washington State Health Department was attempting to restrict vaccine exemptions in the legislature, they reported that they discovered that the woman had shared a waiting room with someone who had the measles. They performed an autopsy and reported finding the measles virus in her body, and declared that she had died from measles. This would have been a case of measles so mild that she had no symptoms, yet so severe that it killed her, which should have been a case for the medical journals. Washington State has removed the press release on the case from their website.…/2015Ne…/15119WAMeaslesRelatedDeath

To find a CDC confirmed measles death before that, you have to go back to 1992.

The facts on measles do not justify the fear campaign in the media to sell the public on mandatory vaccination.The exemption removal bills are a solution looking for a problem. This is not about measles! This is about mandating more vaccines like influenza and HPV. Profit over people’s rights.

Update on West Coast Measles Outbreak

There have not been any community acquired infections.

Paul Thomas MD explains more: on the same outbreak

The current measles hysteria in USA continues to blame Andrew Wakefield for people not vaccinating using Merck’s MMR triple live virus. But CDC data show there was actually an INCREASE in vaccine uptake after Dr. Wakefield’s article was released – not a decrease.

MMR VACCINE: Is It Safer Than Measles?

Make an informed Choice.

Measles – Disease Information Statement (DIS) includes information such as:

  • What treatments are available for measles?
  • Are there any benefits from getting measles?

Citation: Physicians for Informed Consent. Measles – Disease Information Statement (DIS). Dec 2017.

Measles – Vaccine Risk Statement (VRS) includes information such as:

  • How accurate are clinical trials of the MMR vaccine?
  • How accurate is surveillance of adverse events from the MMR vaccine?

Citation: Physicians for Informed Consent – Measles- Vaccine Risk Statement (VRS)

July 17th, 2018 – SARASOTA, FL — Attorneys at Maglio Christopher & Toale, P.A. negotiated a $101 million dollar settlement for an infant who suffered a severe reaction to the Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) vaccine.
O.R.* was a one-year-old healthy baby girl who was already walking and climbing. On February 13, 2013, she received vaccinations for Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR), Hepatitis A, Haemophilus Influenzae type B (Hib), Prevnar (pneumonia), and Varicella (chickenpox). That evening, the mother noticed baby O.R. was irritable and feverish. After a call to the pediatrician, the doctor advised Mom to give her Tylenol and Benadryl. The fever continued for several days and on the evening before the baby’s scheduled pediatrician visit, O.R. began having severe seizures. She was rushed to the emergency room. Baby O.R. went into cardiac and respiratory arrest and doctors placed her on a ventilator.
The seizures and cardiac arrest left O.R. with a severe brain injury, encephalopathy, cortical vision impairment, truncal hypotonia (low muscle tone), and kidney failure. After months of treatment at the hospital, baby O.R. finally went home, but her disabilities require specialized medical care and supervision around the clock for the rest of her life.