Dengue Vaccine: A Clear Example of Why it Must be the Parent’s Choice

Updated: March 15, 2018

Sanofi will decide shortly whether to seek regulatory approval for its dengue vaccine Dengvaxia in the United States and remains committed to the medicine despite a health scare in the Philippines, a senior executive said on Wednesday.” – Reuters 3/8/2018

If you follow the (below) chronology of the Philippines’ dengue vaccine fiasco, in which the drug maker (Sanofi) rushed to market to be first, convinced top level government officials to buy the product, and then 800,000 Filipino schoolchildren were injected, and 14 died, you will see in front of you a clear example of why vaccines should NEVER be mandatory for school.

These tragic circumstances are precisely why philosophical vaccine exemptions were enacted into state immunization laws in the first place, and should be protected at all costs.

The whole situation, as one Steemit contributor wrote, is “damning condemnation and a horrifyingly cautionary tale about how greed, ambition and hubris can lead to catastrophic tragedies.”

The government and the drug maker deny any connection.

As with all other vaccines, the risks associated with Denvaxia were fairly known, if not scientifically well understood, before launch – and since vaccine is an artificial intrusion into the immune system all of them are “unavoidably unsafe” to some extent.

Sanofi predicts to lose 100 million euro – peanuts for them. What of the children given the vaccine which was produced in Vero cells using recombinant DNA technology (genetic engineering)? Vero cells are a “continuous” line of green monkey cells.

 In mass vaccination programs, the sad fact is that some children will be sickened and die from the product. The medical-pharmaceutical industry takes this as cost of doing business, but never factors these losses in to the cost effectiveness calculations they present. Parents everywhere should always have the choice and never be faced with loss of their child’s institutional education if they decide not to take the risk.

As a side-note: Unwitting Vermont volunteers were compensated $3000 so their bodies could be used for the UVM vaccine research trial. I wonder how they all are doing?

~Jennifer Stella



Dengue Vaccine News Chronology –  2013 through 2018

Jan 22, 2018 – Former Health Secretary Enrique Ona faced the Senate blue ribbon committee for the first time on Monday, January 22, where he slammed the Aquino administration’s implementation of the now-controversial P3.5-billion dengue vaccination program.

First they said it looked like measles, now they ask… Does immunity after Zika virus infection cross-protect against dengue?

Jan 24, 2018 – Shocker:: After deaths, illness & #disease from their dengue vaccine in the Philippines, drug maker presents “cost effectiveness” conclusion~!!

Jan 22, 2018

Jan 18, 2018 – 5 more deaths linked to Dengvaxia for referral to UP-PGH

Jan 17, 2018 – Sanofi agrees refund for unused ‘killer’ anti-dengue vaccine: The French pharmaceutical giant denied the refund was related to safety issues, but was instead meant to improve ties with Philippine health authorities.

Jan 16, 2018 – “The findings of the forensic pathologists are consistent with severe dengue or dengue shock syndrome”

Jan 1, 2018 –  Was Aquino’s P3.5B purchase of the dengue vaccine the worst case of corruption ever?

Jan 11, 2018
MANILA – Public Attorney’s Office (PAO) probes death of 6th child dead after newly launched dengue vaccine

Jan 1, 2018
DOH to check on reported Denvaxia dengue vaccine deaths” – Dec 21, 2017…

Jan 1, 2018 

- Worst of 2017: Sanofi’s Dengue vaccine launch turns into nightmare; stock prices plunge, Takeda now…

Dec 23, 2017 
- “Forensic team examines body of girl vaccinated with Dengvaxia”

Dec 23, 2017 – Bataan girl died of dengue after vaccination: VACC

Dec 7, 2017 – Father seeks justice for daughter who died of dengue 6 months after Dengvaxia shot | News | GMA News Online

Dec 27, 2016 – Meanwhile, in the Philippines…Senate probes dengue vaccine program…

Apr 27, 2016 – Dengue vaccine trial in Philippines: one coincidental death out of 200,000

Apr 5, 2016 – Safety of dengue vaccine questionable, schoolchildren serve as guinea pigs
(this one has been taken down but thanks to the internet archive you can still read it.)

Mar 22, 2016 – There is a “clinical similarity and serological cross reactivity of dengue fever and measles”? You don’t say……

Feb 11, 2016 – “Crop-Sprayed Villages regarding Dengue-Zika, microcephaly…”

Jan 21, 2016 – Dengue vaccine only gives patients 47% protection…

Jan 14, 2016 – More

 dengue vaccines: aluminum, novel adjuvants, GMOS, what could possibly go wrong?…

Jan 6, 2016 – More

 than 1 million nine-year-old Filipino children to become part of dengue vaccine experiment ‪#CDCwhistleblower…

Dec 23, 2015 – Sanofi gets green light from Philippines FDA

Jul 16, 2014 – “We cannot solve the dengue problem with a vaccine alone, especially not with this vaccine…”

Sept 8, 2016 – Dengue vaccine could make things worse: ‘We should be careful in considering where and how to use this vaccine’

Dec 22, 2015 – Vaccine: Not good enough for Singapore (2014)…

Nov 24, 2014 – Clinical similarity and serological cross reactivity of dengue fever and measles -…

Jul 16, 2014 – Vaccine “not equally good for all four subtypes of dengue viruses, and that could be dangerous.”…

Mar 25, 2014 – Sanofi bets big on dengue vaccine despite poor performance….

Oct 18, 2013 – More newsflash: Did you know that clinical signs and symptoms of dengue are similar to those of measles…?…

Aug 12, 2013 – Someone asked what UVM is offering for that immune system experiment / dengue vaccine trial. Here is your answer: $3000 (see pic above).

Aug 4, 2013 – Blockbuster Sanofi Dengue Vaccine Marketing Begins:…

July 12, 2013 – I suspect that dengue is about to become *more* widespread, *more* deadly, and *vaccine preventable*…

June 22, 2013 – Vaccine Maker Sanofi is in full Pre-Launch phase of Marketing Campaign for Dengue Vaccine…

March 5, 2013 – Have you heard anything about the vaccine for dengue fever being tested here in VT? Based on quick research, it is a trial for a vaccine to be used for “biodefense”; (which may mean they may be willing to tolerate a higher rate of adverse reactions). The vaccine was developed at NIH and began phase I in 2010.

Another news release here, from 2013, mentions VT…

Here is the public statement from UVM.… and here are the “protocols” for all of the Vermont trials, which leave out details like adjuvant, placebo, etc.