Dec. 18, 2017: We need to talk.

We need to talk about vaccine injury awareness.

VAERS Bill, H.247, in the Vermont House Healthcare Committee will increase transparency and awareness of consumer vaccine injury reports filed by Vermonters. The bill will improve oversight upon the unseen outcomes and hidden costs of Vermont’s Immunization Program. While not all reports can be proven to be caused by the vaccine(s) given, underreporting and failure to recognize vaccine injury is a widespread problem. Ask your elected rep to support H.247~!


Recent Vermont VAERS reports – examples.

This poor baby got EIGHT (8) vaccines at once. She developed a high fever and was unwell for a week. Are there any long term effects? VAERS ID 702895:

This four-year old was given TEN vaccines at one time on Oct. 2, 2017. The report is made about the ensuing fever and vomiting the child experienced. VAERS ID 718104

Do you have a vaccine injury experience to share or a VAERS report filed?

Please contact us. We need to talk.

Who is responsible for following these reactions? What are the long term outcomes? What are the associated costs?



Today’s vaccine schedule is nothing like what it used to be.

For example, many vaccines are given in combination, many now contain aluminum adjuvant – and the emerging science is very concerning. This year, scientists from the University of Keele and King’s College of London published a peer-reviewed report on Aluminum (Al) in brain tissue in autism. They measured Al in brain tissue in brain tissue from donors who died with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder,and they have identified the location of Al in these tissues. Their findings are troubling, since many vaccines contain aluminum (Al) adjuvants – typically Al hydroxide and/or Al phosphate nano particles.

We encourage you to be open and not closed towards understanding this very complex topic. There is a big difference between supporting vaccination versus supporting mandatory vaccination, particularly when there is the potential for grave and untoward side effects.

At our event on September 8th, people from all over New England told their stories.

Their experiences as vaccine consumers deserve to be heard.

Every body should be concerned about vaccine safety awareness.

Let’s talk!