Who Calls the Shots?

As parents, we have rights and obligations under the law to both protect and educate our young. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 (42 U.S.C. §§ 300aa-1 to 300aa-34) granted federal liability protection to vaccine makers and those administering vaccines after lawsuits for damages began to pile up. A Supreme Court ruling in 2011 further indemnified vaccine makers for liability claims in state courts, even if they could have made a safer product (see Washington Post Article).

With their own separate adverse drug event reporting system, vaccines are treated differently from pill pharmaceuticals, yet the very same companies manufacture them. What happens with these data? Click here to read the historical data submitted to VAERS from Vermont.

Vaccines do not come with guarantees or warrantees. This means that if your child is vaccinated and gets sick or dies due to faulty vaccine product, be it that the vaccine does not work, or the vaccine causes harm, the responsibility lies with you as a parent or individual to bear the burden of proof and suffering. Since no product is perfectly safe, this is the crux of the problem, and the reason why vaccination choice should be considered a human right.

This information is being provided so you may know that making an informed and independent choice is of critical importance. Adverse reactions may be rare, but they do occur. Find out more on what to ask and what to watch for, by clicking here.