The SARS-COV2 pandemic has so far presented our country with excess deaths due to respiratory infection. According to Vermont experts, our cases peaked April 3, 2020. Elderly patients on ACE2 inhibitors and with pre-existing conditions, and those in nursing homes seem to be most at risk.
Do face masks work? | Spectator USA
Beyond the very obvious threat to our liberty that a mandate (telling us what to do to our bodies) represents, there is also some science to consider.
Speak out now against mandates and for choice, before it is too late.
Link to pre-print and/or published studies below:
- Cloth Masks Offer Only Marginal Protection (Rengasamy 2010)
- Masks:_N95_and Surgical_(Ann. Occup. Hygeine, Lee 2008)
- Measles-particles(Leung 2005)
- Masks not recommended … Scientists from Sydney, Aus
In Epidemics 2017, a meta-analysis concluded that masks had a non-significant protective effect. In the Annuals of Internal Medicine, April 2020, “neither surgical nor cotton masks effectively filtered SARS-CoV-2 during coughs by affected people.”
According to a University of New South Wales, the widespread use of masks by healthcare workers may put them at increased risk of respiratory illness and viral infections, and their global use should be discouraged.
In the British Medical Journal 2015, “Over three times, the risk of contracting influenza-like illness if a cloth mask is used versus no mask at all.” Contaminated masks and masks holding moisture and pathogen retention can increase the risk of infection.
A 2016 study in the Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology found 97% of particles penetrated cloth masks, and 44% of particles penetrated medical masks. Researchers reported that cloth masks are only marginally beneficial in protecting individuals from particles less than 2.5 micrometers.
As referenced in the New England Journal of Medicine, the size of Coronavirus particles varied between 0.06 micrometers and 0.14 micrometers. Cloth and surgical masks do not have a fit test. When worn, gaps around the edges allow small particles to enter the respiratory system.
Also, according to the May 2010 edition of PLoS One, lack of eye protection was a primary risk factor of SARS-CoV transmission.
Multiple Lead Scientists Are Calling for Retraction of the 2020 Study that is being used to justify masks.
Then, some blogs which also have links to science.
Link to what others have already written on the subject:
- In Support of “Masks By Choice” For Vermont – Let’s Begin With Waitsfield
- The Risks vs. Benefits of Face Masks • Children’s Health Defense
- James Lyons-Weiler: Three Bits of Science that CDC, Dr. Fauci and FDA Forgot, and One They Would Like to Forget
Some people believe in natural immunity and the power of the immune system to recognize and eliminate what does not belong in the body. Some people have read the science showing that restriction of respiration weakens the immune system and can make you sick. People should be free to choose what happens to their bodies. Mandatory masks violate the sacred choice every person should be free to make. This is not a “selfish” position. Because public health relies upon the well persons. Our economy relies upon the well persons. Our future relies upon the well persons.