10/3/2019 by Jennifer Stella
With SB 276‘s recent passage, California’s governor, legislators and public health community have signaled their intent to proceed with a full-bore assault on medically vulnerable children. The legislation skillfully puts the squeeze on vaccine medical exemptions by placing government bureaucrats (rather than doctors) in charge of the decision and only allowing a small number of contraindications that do not even include “the potential adverse reactions the vaccine manufacturers themselves disclose in package inserts under federal law.” – Read more at October 3, 2019 ‘Kennedy News and Views’ https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/vaccine-officials-are-ensuring-compliance-while-ignoring-contraindications/
Some notes from the field (news from other states – update May 9, 2019)
updated May 10, 2019 at 4 pm EST
You may recall that the people of California and Vermont were deprived of their rights to file philosophical objections against mandatory state-issued vaccinations, at the very same time in 2015… with industry-led hearings being held on the very same day on both coasts.
This was clearly was just child’s play for the trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry – because this year, the industry is running dozens of bills in multiple states at the same time. See below for a quick update.

All in the name of “public health” – but the true motive, always, is the almighty dollar. Read: Follow the Money.
While citizens with philosophical, religious, medical, health & liberty concerns continue to stare down the barrel of a bill which is intended to make vaccination mandatory here in Vermont, a lot has happened in other states. Here’s a quick update:
Measles hysteria began here, and the bad news is that Merck did succeed to push and pass H.B. 1638, which suppresses the parental right to file “philosophical or personal objection” exemptions from mandatory MMR vaccine doses, on April 23, 2019. The good news is that dozens of fantastic amendments were proposed by thinking lawmakers, hundreds and hundreds of concerned parents spoke out and in the end Washington law continues to protect parent philosophical or personal objections against other vaccines, as well as religious exemptions. There are also six good bills that have been introduced in Washington, aimed at protecting vaccine consumers. WA Governor Inslee, who has announced plans to run for US President in 2020, signed forced Merck MMR-II vaccine dosing for all daycare, school and college minors, into law on Friday, 10 May 2019.
May 6, 2019: Attorney General Tong Says Legislature and Governor Can End Religious Exemption for School Vaccine Requirements, but lawmakers take a stand for the exemptions. LeeAnn Ducat, founder of Informed Choice Connecticut, said Tong’s opinion is “based on a government ‘assumption’ that a medical liability free product that the Supreme Court determined ‘unavoidably unsafe’ protects the public safety and health.”If that’s true then, “the public “is entitled to the scientific evidence used by the government to justify labeling a group of people who claim a religious exemption as a public health threat If no evidence is available, then discrimination laws and Constitutional rights are being violated. You can’t legislate based on mere conjecture,” she added.
May 2, 2019: Maine Senate rejects ending religious exemptions for vaccinations. Ginger Taylor reports: “It will have to go back to the House for concurrence, so that both chambers are agreeing to pass the same version of the bill. The House can either accept the Senate’s version of the bill with the religious exemption available to Mainers, or send it back to the Senate with their language that excludes religious exemptions and insist that the Senate adopt the House language. The Senate is unlikely to accept it (as they didn’t today). If the two bodies cannot agree, the bill dies completely. Both sides of the issue will likely fight for their version of the bill until all procedural options are exhausted, however odds are that Mainers will retain the right to an education.”
April 24, 2019 Letter from Senator Robert Foley of York, Maine
Despite hundreds of consumer vaccine injury testimonials at a public hearing that carried on until 3 am, HB 1312 – which aimed to hand power over to the state department of health and limit medical exemptions – passed 2nd reading in the full House at 3 am on 4/24/2019. Read “notes from the field” from a concerned doctor who attended the hearing, here.
On May 1, the Senate moved the bill and citizens were given only 8 hours notice for a public hearing. https://www.denverpost.com/2019/05/02/vaccine-vaccination-bill-colorado-senate. The good news is that on May 2, 2019 the bill met a procedural death. https://www.denverpost.com/2019/05/02/vaccine-vaccination-bill-colorado-senate. From Colorado Senator Hobert: “Congratulations and thank you to all of the parents who stood for personal liberty. This outcome would not have been achieved without the hundreds of parents who advocated against the bill. While you didn’t get a victory in either committee hearing, you should embrace this delayed victory today. Again, congratulations and thank you.”
Over 2000 citizens turned out for a public hearing but despite their concerns, HB3063 (which would suppress the rights of parent to decline vaccinations on behalf of child for reason other than very limited medical criteria) has passed the House. This bill suppresses parent rights and restricts the doctor patient relationship, allowing only restrictive medical exemptions that meet only government-defined criteria. Opponents call the bill “a discriminatory law that will kick out and ostracize nearly 38,000 children in K-12th grade” and will “also impact daycare, preschool and university students.” The bill is now in the senate.
Left only with medical exemptions, educated consumers (doctors, parents, nurses, scientists and laypeople) are now fighting a bill (SB276) that if passed would require all medical exemptions be approved by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) – removing the critical doctor patient relationship (more info and link to petition here).
- All medical exemption requests be based on CDC contraindications and precautions only (https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/
hcp/acip-recs/general-recs/ contraindications.html#t-01) – No sibling or family history or genetic predisposition would be allowed. - All medical exemption requests be submitted via a standardized form created by the CDPH – creating extra paperwork
- All approved medical exemptions be included in a database accessible to the CDPH – creating a targeted database
- Any medical exemption written PRIOR to SB276 be approved by the CDPH and included in the database, by July 1, 2020 – resulting in additional work for physicians to review and enter and CDPH to review.
New York
Your right to a religious exemption in New York is in extreme danger.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Albany, New York
Legislative Office Building and the Capitol, 188 State Street
Rally in West Capitol Park, Swan and State Streets
11 am, Rally at on the West Capitol Steps