“For the fourth year in a row, Vermont takes the top spot as healthiest state.”
~ Reported by Dr. Amish Patel: (see http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/health/2012/12/11/vermont-tops-list-of-healthiest-states)
We must be doing something right; keep up the good work and Healthy Choices…
-High rate of high school graduation
-Low incidence of infectious disease
-Low prevalence of low birthweight
-Low rate of uninsured population
The irony is that VT daycare and school vaccination rates are in the nineties – it is just that parents advocate for their children (as we all have to) and make informed decisions on spacing out and deciding which vaccines and when. We have also not added HPV, Rota, HepA, meningococcal or seasonal flu to the required schedule – and this makes a HUGE difference!!