Did you Know?

– Your hard-earned taxes pay for the vaccines purchased by the health department (VT=$12 million this year, and the CDC spends billions) – they contract with companies, all of which have committed, been found guilty and fined for fraud.

– Your hard-earned taxes pay for the tax on each vaccine for the vaccine injury fund (approx. $.75/vax);

– Your hard-earned taxes pay for the salaries of the public health bureaucrats who (in VT) fought against your RIGHTS and in Washington who encourage same;

– Your hard-earned taxes pay for the salaries and benefits of the lawmakers who fought against your RIGHTS, many working with corporate lobbyists to do so;

– Your hard-earned tax dollars subsidized the UVM College of Medicine (which is asking for $9 million in 2013). And yet, in 2012, faculty, nurse, residents and medical students from this program petitioned to remove YOUR rights to decline vaccines. (A note about this – if we are to give them money they should mandate (1) training on why vaccine exemptions are critical to informed consent; and (2) training on vaccine reactions…)

Because finally, should you or your child ever be injured by a vaccine, your hard-earned taxes will pay for the U.S. attorney who will actively fight AGAINST your SUPPOSEDLY “NO FAULT” claim. Now if that ain’t WICKED…

Check out the growing number of “required” vaccines: